What does international spy James Bond and dotbrand top-level domains have in common?
By Tony Kirsch – Head of Professional Services, Neustar
The winner for the coolest dotbrand top-level domains in the world right now must surely go to German logistics company DHL with their recent promotional campaign highlighting their alliance with the globally recognized James Bond series of movies.
These iconic films have been filling global screens with action packed adventure since 1962 and the 24 films have generated over $7 billion in ticket sales in this time. The next movie in the series, the upcoming ‘No Time to Die’ is supposedly star Daniel Craig’s final film and is expected to be yet another blockbuster in this amazing series.
But what does a logistics company and a global cinematic phenomenon have in common?
Seemingly plenty – DHL have been working very closely with the films over the last decade or so according to this taken from their new website notimetodie.dhl:
“Since Casino Royale (2006), DHL’s logistics experts have been responsible for the transport and logistics solutions related to the shooting of the production of the 007 films. For No Time To Die – in theatres from the 2nd April 2020 – DHL transported the film and stunt equipment. From the legendary Aston Martin to key props, the logistics specialists of DHL ensured everything was delivered on time.”

This site has everything you’d like to see in a new website. Video footage of previous Bond movies and an awesome new .brand domain name. Additionally, the site also has the 007.dhl domain name redirect to the notimetodie.dhl website itself.
It also has a series of videos giving the public behind the scenes access to what it actually takes to create a series of movies like these – including shipping huge amounts of cargo across the world to fill movie sets and create the infamous moments we’ve become accustomed to in James Bond files.
Most importantly for us in the domain world, this is a great initiative from a company such as DHL in using their .brand and is a demonstration of their ongoing faith in the Top Level Domain. No doubt this is in part to the fact that the Germany .brand community is the most active globally with other leaders such as Audi, DVAG and others leading the way.
Perhaps this is the start of other brands finding something as cool as James Bond to bring their TLD to life.
GoDaddy acquired Neustar's registry business as of August 3, 2020.
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